
The concern for improving employment potential for the villagers and providing an immediate as well as long term remedy to the pressing problems of poverty, ill health and illiteracy, originated in the minds of some professors and theological and secular colleges. This was given concrete shape in the formation of Creed in 1979. Centre for Rural Employment and Education for Development.


The Creed propagates various self employment schemes of the Government and educates appropriately the qualified candidates, to apply for jobs. It helps the unemployed in the following ways, viz. employment guidance, vocational guidance and guidance under the New Economic Policy of the Central Government. If one wants to get the guidance of the Creed, he should first register his name with Creed office. During the time of registration one has to give the complete bio-date to enable the volunteers the direct him to apply for a suitable job for which he is qualified.

Creed is a voluntary organization under Tamil Nadu Societies Act 1979. Its main object is to give education to the weaker sections of the society and enable them to improve their social status. It also worked as an information centre between the Government and the unemployed young people. The Creed adapted the educational programme for creating social, economic and political awareness among the people. Its education programme is meant for larger section of the population.

Employment Guidance

The Creed volunteers study carefully the various employment notifications of the Central and State Governments, Private and Public Limited companies and local bodies from time to time and inform it to the suitable candidates. At time they get needed form from the Government offices and give necessary directions to the candidates. At times they get needed form from the Government offices and give necessary directions to the candidates. Occasionally, they announce it in the community centres, which are the nerve centres of Creed’s activities. The interested candidates are directed to meet the Vocational Guidance Officer.

In order to help the unemployed, and those who are preparing to seek employment, the Creed appointed an officer called the Vocational Guidance Officer. He gives the unemployed persons directions, guidance, career guidance and education the youth about various employment opportunities opened to them. He directs the needy people to take appropriate course of study and make them better qualified. On occasions to face interviews boldly. In an attempt to get full cooperation and assistance from the various agencies of the government, he maintains a good human relationship through occasional visit to the officers and keeping friendly conversations and discussions about various schemes announces by the Government then and there. When new employment notifications are announced, the Vocational Guidance Officer contacts the candidates who possess required qualifications in person and directs him to apply for the same. Information regarding various training programmes, short term job oriented courses and job apprenticeships are informed to suitable candidates. Dropouts from schools and colleges are collected and they are given necessary encouragement and directions to continue his study.

The vocational guidance officer invite officials from the District Welfare Office, conduct seminars and conferences to give the people necessary directions regarding various schemes and opportunities available. He stands between the government and the public as a liaison officer and renders needed service to the public. Generally the Vocational Guidance Officer is a devoted servant who takes pleasure in rendering service to the people. The Creed appoints such kinds of persons and entrusts the important portfolios in their hands. Further, the Creed is also very keen in educating the people about the important government departments where they can get better chances. If one did not get job in the government departments, the Creed educate him to become his own master through self employment scheme.

In promoting the self employment schemes of the government, the Creed takes active interest. All the educated unemployed cannot find jobs in the government department. So the Creed trains the people in a particular trade and makes them to earn their livelihood. In the absence of a government agency to do the above services, the Creed along with the other social service organizations come forward to take up the responsibilities. Majority of people are ignorant of the schemes that are announced then and there by the government. The Creed enables the people to understand the same. In extending assistance of the Vocational Guidance Officer to the people it avoids the poor the run here and there and knocking at the doors of the employers. Thus it plans to bring social justice in the Kalkulam and Vilavancode Taluks.


Peasants are the life of India. Hence the Creed thought that the peasants should be given education in modern agricultural lines and use of advanced agricultural implements. Even now majority of the peasants do not know about the use of modern tractor. The main reason for their ignorance and failure are the failure of the government machinery to educate them properly. There are so many in these remote villages who had not met even the agriculture officer or the Gramasevak once in their life. In this condition what kind of improvement one will be able to have in agriculture. Certainly there will be no improvement at all. In such places the creed volunteers acts promptly.

As an educational agency to the poor people the Creed is doing an yeoman service to the people. It educates the women about the various injustice done to them in the society and their rights. The Creed and its colunteers meet these unfortunate victims and educate them. These types of educations changed the moods of these victims. They have started to fight for their rights. Whenever the government promulgated a new scheme the Creed volunteers the needed information and circulates this information among the various units and its members. This information acts as a catalyst and enables the people to get the benefits that are announced.

Mr. J.JUSTIN DORSINGH, Ph.d. Research Scholar, Department of History and Research Centre, S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil.


  1. John A. Jacob, History of London Missionary Society in South Travancore, Nagercoil, 1806 – 1956.
  2. Meckenzie G.T., Christianity in Travancore, Trivandrum, 1901.
  3. Nagam Aiya V.,The Travancore State Manual, Vol. II, Trivandrum, 1906.
  4. Report of the Mahalir Mantram, 1986-1989.
  5. Samuel Mateer, The Land of Charity, New York, 1870.
  6. Samuel Zachariah, The London Missionary Society in South Travancore, Nagercoil, 1897.
  7. Women’s Liberation Conference Report, 1984.
  8. Volunteers Work Report, 1984-86.